Wednesday 17 December 2008

NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputing

I attended the NVIDIA Tesla personal supercomputing launch on the 4th December in London. It was really interesting to meet other people using cuda and gpu based devices for solving incredibly compute intensive problems.

What some groups have managed to do in the fields of Tomography / CFD / Molecular modelling and Seismology is truly awe inspiring and its only a matter of time before they have a real inpact on the average persons life. The advances in medical imaging along with the power of Tesla is a prime example in this regard.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Bingo and CUDA

When I worked at a bingo software supplier I used to design and implement the server side systems. To most developers solving a bingo card based on a random draw seems trivial, and so it is. Factor in the following: tens of thousands of cards, very short time span to calculate results, who won,  3,2,1 to go, bonus shapes - and it soon becomes quite a challenging realtime problem. Thereafter you need to produce output which the (typically flash) client is able to read and process quickly which is a really big string handling problem (very often 10 million string pieces).

Slot Machines

Up until two years ago I worked on gaming / casino related projects. Mostly stuck on the server side making sure all the calculations added up and random numbers were properly random. But early on in my casino days I did come up with an entire end to end solution (I have to admit I did have some graphics artist help at the final stages - I should NOT be allowed to do art! ).   This involved writing the client side game , server side systems and reporting / banking systems.   I thought I had lost most of the code but while looking in some backups last night I came accross the original source of two of them - written entirely in assembler of course :)